Chemlab : Mobile Chemical (CWA) Lab

Each lab has all the proper equipment, systems and infrastructure to ensure the capacity to act with full confidence and autonomy, thanks to the adequate working space for the laboratory personnel. They are endowed with the necessary to carry out operations with a range of at least 72 hours.

The laboratories can carry out their mission in a contaminated environment, having a ventilation and CBRN filtration system.

They have a “closed” area for the entry of personnel, preceding the the laboratory entrance, consisting of the decontamination area to prevent direct access to the laboratory, thus avoiding the entrance of contamination.

Chemlab includes the following main identification equipment:

Gas chromatograph and mass spectrometer to identify the chemical aggressive. It has a large and expandable basic library of spectra.

Gas Chromatograph with specific and selective detection.

Infrared spectroscopy system.

Ultraviolet visible spectrometry system.

Ray fluorescence system.


The CHEM-LAB may operate in areas exposed to C. B. and R. biologically contaminated, the personnel can operate in absolute safety, guaranteeing complete air filtration (in emission and expulsion) with carbon active filters (NBC filters) and HEPA filters.

It is operational within 30÷60 minutes from the time of arrival (with only two operators). . It is autonomous, self-unloading, fitted with a clean water tank of 1.000 litre capacity and can guarantee the operation for at least 72 hours, without external resources.

Furthermore it is realized with stainless steel components and building techniques to allow the interchangeability and the decontamination of its parts. It requires a minimal maintenance and it is fit to operate in climatic conditions in zones A1 and C1 as foreseen in STANAG 4370.