Our decontaminant and detoxifying agents are effective against CBRN contamination and suitable for preventive sanitisation operations.
DueIn the event of a terrorist attack, emergencies, epidemics, natural disasters or simply returning from areas with unhygienic conditions, they provide a complete and safe decontamination.
The main CBRN decontaminant and detoxifying products are:
Bx 24, CBRN decontaminant and detoxifying product;
Bx 29, decontaminant product for people;
Bx 40, decontaminant product for aircraft and helicopters;
Sx 34, decontaminant product for sensitive materials.
The CBRN decontamination product BX 24 is also detoxifying, ie it not only removes the CB contamination, but also neutralizes it, eliminating the problem
The decontaminant product SX 34 was primarily developed for the decontamination of small and large surfaces.