Personal Protection



NSN 4240-23-113-1381

The SUPERCOMBI NBC filter is designed and manufactured to fulfill the operational requirements of all modern standards, such as:

  • NATO (AC/225)/Panel VII/D 103
  • Microphone device & voice amplifier
  • German specifications TL 4240-017
  • for protection against all known warfare gases and substances.


    The SUPERCOMBI NBC filters are designed for protection against all known warfare gases (nerves, caustics, asphyxiating etc.) as well as for many toxic industrial substances.

    The NBC SUPERCOMBI filter has evolved to meet the demands of dealing with toxic industrial chemicals and materials, and chemical warfare agents. The current NBC filter is of the "ABE" category, which means that it can protect against the following categories of substances:

    A = Organic vapours

    B = Inorganic gases

    E = Sulphure Dioxide

    For the additional detention of ammonia leaks (common industrial gas) and carbon

    monoxide the new filters are multilayered, as they need three additional layers:

    Sorbent layer for ammonia,

    Catalyst layer for carbon monoxide and

    Layer of dehydrating material for the operation of the catalyst.

    They are manufactured of special plastic material, which ensures essential advantages over the metallic ones:

  • Better mechanical resistance (crucial if dropped from 2m or crushed)
  • Better corrosion resistance
  • Completely antimagnetic
  • Rd 40 x 1/7" thread according to DIN 3182
  • Low breathing resistance
  • Low aerosol filter penetration
  • Weight: 400g
  • Filters can be stored (vacuum packed) for 10 years in normal conditions of temperature and humidity

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